Littlecote House.......it was so lovely. I took the Hubby there for a Romantic Weekend seeing as he had been slaving away in Ireland for 11 days in a row. This has got to have been one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life. Rich in History, Haunted, Kak Old, but with a spa, swimming pool and jacuzzi, gym and beauty treatments. This is where King Henry met Jane Seymour. There is a Roman Orpheus Mosaic, and the very last remaining Cromwellian Chapel (pictures available on request)
There also was a fabulous live Motown Show, a gourmet meal, a king sized bed, a flat screen TV and a dvd player . Fencing, archery, croquet, cycle hire..... Anyway, it was almost perfect.The only teeny weeny little problematic area was that the hubby and I were about 35 years younger than 75% of the guests. On our departure I remarked to the taxi driver that he was lucky we could ambulate ourselves into his taxi, he laughed like a drain and said obviously nobody had told us this was called "Waiting for god House"
No, nobody told me. It was not in the brochure. In fact, in the brochure, everyone is YOUNGER than us. There were not pictures of people in wheelchairs, people with oxygen cylinders and people who were, I kid you not , more than 100 years old.
Still and all, we all know what romantic weekends are for and that was just fine. We missed breakfast and all the staff were either SA or Polish. So, all good.