All in all, a good experience.
1. Emergency procedures...A+
2. Doctors A+
3. Nurses ..the Irish nurses were lovely, the Polish, Thai and SA ones were crap B-
4. The Facilities and equipment, pretty damn impressive A+
5. The food. There is no rating low enough for the food.
Breakfast was bread and marmalade (no toast due to health and safety rules) OR cereal (no good for me, I don't have milk) OR porridge (I tried it, it was like melted cardboard)
Lunch and supper were much the same. Vegetables were only one step away from being liquid.
They asked me if I wanted gravy on my lasagna. I think that says it all.
My Dear Friend Gabi used to say this about coffee bought en route to Jo'burg, if you add sugar, it's coffee, if you add salt, it's soup. That pretty much covers the coffee and tea.
Visiting hours are from 3 to 8. No problem for the nurses, they just carry on with their duties , regardless of visitors.
Traumatised The Hubby by jabbing me in the stomach with my daily injection, amused the entire ward's visitors by asking me loudly if I had moved my bowels.
Whilst on this subject, No , I did not. I had no intention of doing so either. Bad enough having to use a flipping bedpan to pee. Mind over matter. 7 days is not a long time.