1.) The stupid internet. I have been offline for HOURS. Seeing as I am home alone this is not good. So I have to climb down the stairs to reset the box thingy. Then crawl back up. Then restart the wee pee cee. Then go back down when it doesn't work....and if it doesn't work I cannot be online, but I also cannot use my i touch to listen to my podcasts, or download books for my kindle.
The Hubby is in Dublin, so this is his fault. Obviously, I have fixed this now. Am still annoyed though.
2.) Virgin. They are supposed to help. I pay them to be there for me .But no, their stupid answerphone is not working. You would think Richard Branson would see to these issues.
3.) Crutches. The 'Long John Silver' under the armpit type have been outlawed by Health and Safety. So I have the stupid elbow ones which means I cannot carry anything while I am hopping, or lean whilst I am balancing on one leg.
4.) Radio station. Which I usually enjoy, but while I was offline , the topic under discussion was Clamping. I don't care. I don't have a car. If I did, I would be very careful where I parked in London. Boring Boring Boring.
5.) The person (you know who you are) who beat my Zuma Blitz score by so many points that there is no point to even playing anymore. So thank you so much, for spoiling the pleasure for a poor disabled invalid. Nice one. Never mind...perhaps I will devote tomorrow to trying to get you back.
6.) The kitchen light. One of the spotlights is hissing and buzzing. If it goes, it will trip all the lights (this is a Pom thing) then I will have to crawl in the dark to the cupboard and reset the fusebox thing.
I actually am going to stop now, because I can see that this list could be endless.