It is A Very Good Thing to have a blog, otherwise I think I would explode and/or make snotty replies on Facebook before I have formulated my thoughts.
As Facebook does, another survey has popped up.
Do you support the freedom to marry for Gays and Lesbians?
Firstly, this is not a grammatically correct sentence
Secondly, I do not want to hear you say 'No'
The Hubby and I have a Civil Union. Dr Lauren and Darling Simon have a Civil Union.
In fact, everybody does. The ceremony in the church is not legal. You cannot get married in church and then hop off home in wedded bliss without signing the legal documents. A marriage is a legal right, not a bloody survey.
Nobody has the right to make a judgement on who should marry and who should not.
Lots of people marry 'out.'
Man to man, woman to woman, catholic to Jew, black to white, just look at us! The Hubby is Linux, Darling Simon is Windows. Insurmountable, you may say.
But No! There has been no judgement, and despite this massive difference, all is well.
We have adapted. Bill Gates did not get up on his soap box and question the union.
Do not judge anyone's right to choose their partner.
Or say whether they can marry or not
Or WHERE they can marry.
In this wonderful secular country, there are many churches with signs up saying 'Civil Unions Welcome here' Of course , what they mean is 'You can get married here if you are the same sex, we do not judge you'
And so they bloody well shouldn't.
If you are gay , you can also choose to be religious. Two way street.
And while I am ranting, never say that you 'tolerate' a gay marriage. It is not to be 'tolerated' You 'tolerate' bad behaviour in a child or a puppy.
You either 'accept' a gay marriage or you sit in judgement.
It seems to me that most of the judgmental people also happen to be religious.
I think they forget that religion does not belong to them only. It belongs to anyone who wants it.
Me, I don't want it. But here in the UK I am not judged for being an atheist. In fact, my rights are protected as much as anybody else's.
If any of my gay friends choose to get married, I will attend their wedding (church or otherwise) with love and joy in my heart.
I will throw rose petals and confetti, I will even sing a hymn, and I will wish them the long and glorious marriage that The Hubby and I have .