Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Cambridge is lovely, but as expensive as London. Hence the village search.
Saw a lovely house yesterday (lovely is a relative term here, we are ignoring the fact that these houses have no cupboards) but it was properly in the middle of nowhere...think of the house in Father Ted and you will get the idea. So no on that one.

Second house was not quite so much in the middle of nowhere , but the lounge was blue (carpet and walls) the bedroom was pink (ditto) and no dishwasher. Actually no white goods at all, but panic set in with the dishwasher.
For some odd reason, this house has 3 bathrooms. Very unusual for a Pom house.
Still, was a bit crap.

Third house was the most quirky , wonderful, dear little Enid Blyton/Snow White Cottage I have ever seen. Totally impractical. For example The Hubby would not actually be able to stand in the bedroom, the ceilings are so low. But is fine for me.
Oh! It is so so charming. And delightful. And did I say impractical?
I love it.
The only thing that may stop me from renting this house is that our bed actually may not  fit in the bedroom.
The house is about 300 years old, all oak beams and rough finishes, but...the kitchen is great and there is a dishwasher! The shower is downstairs, and the bedrooms are accessed by what amounts to secret passages through which even I have to bend double...There is not one single bedroom cupboard , and none of the walls are straight.....the front door is just big enough for me to walk through with a slight bend to the knee.....
No double glazing, two staircases, higgedly piggedly on either side of the house, making a trip to have a bath a whole adventure...
If we do decide to move to Cambridge area, this is the one for me!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Estate we go again

Google is definitely your can look at houses, see the street view, chart the distance to The Hubby's work, look at bus routes, train stations, even zoom in on the garden of a house you are interested in..all good...until you start with the fuckwit agents.
Never mind... nonetheless, I am headed up to Cambridge for the day on Tuesday to see some properties.
Stupid agent said he would meet me AT THE PROPERTY, so, I need to get a train from London, then a flipping taxi to the house.
Never mind...I know this now.....breathe....breathe...breathe.....

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ag Shame and Siestog

MOTHER  has had a 'cricket 'problem for the last month. I know that crickets can be annoying, but at the same time, was fascinated to know that they existed in Scotland. Still and all, she would never ever spray them with Doom (or the local equivalent)
 Never seen anything to compare to Doom here, maybe a tin called 'lets have a cup of tea and perhaps you can fuck off '

Nonetheless, she got quite used to the dear cricket, and indeed, started speaking to him.

Sadly, he turned out to be the battery warning on her smoke alarm.

I's not funny,but you have to laugh!!

Village Life

I have a list of villages around Cambridge that I would truly love to live in

Saffron Walden
Steeple Morden
Stow cum Quy
Swaffham Bulbeck

but, most of all, I want to live in Six Mile Bottom.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I do think it is winter now. Today was 7C and really foggy...proper London Pea soup fog.  Not actually very cold..I went to feed my squirrels still in bare feet, but with a cardi on. So, not too bad yet.
At 5pm it was pitch black midnight dark. So, yes, I think winter has arrived!

Other issues of the moment..I cannot get my flipping font back to idea what happened, so we will be experimenting with different fonts

My mouse is broken. I cannot get on with the stupid touchpad thing. However, due to the miracles of the British Postal Service, my new mouse will arrive tomorrow.

After all the excitement of The Hubby's new job in Cambridge, I am slowly waking up to the horror of changing addresses, packing, ....and leaving London.
Am going to lie down now for a bit......

Friday, November 18, 2011

Estate Agent Job Description

Ok now this has pissed me off big time.
I am actually REALLY CROSS
In words that probably are not bloggable.

After 3 years of living in this country, I have for the first time come across a RELOCATION AGENT.

An Agent who actually knows the area, cares about your criteria, understands what you are looking for... Bloody Hell! How hard can it be?? This is what we did!

I am sooo going to ask this company to let me work for them. I am actually  quite excited at the fact of me, working for them, showing them how realty works...

Fine, in the meantime , they will work for me...
Let's not try to be too Saffa about this... R10 000 is not too much to pay if you can find  someone who is not a total doos...
Remember last year o faithful bloggers? Do you want to suffer that again?
I think not.
So...think about R10 000 , as commission for working with me? Doesn't sound so bad now huh??

Goodbye London

The Hubby has procured a good job in Cambridge. V. Exciting!
Cambridge seems to be a lovely town. Whilst he was at his interview, I did a 2 hour walking tour.
Nice, very very nice, bit too heavy on the churchy on every corner, but  historically, the monks were the only educated people, the only ones who had the time to read and write, so I will try to look at it from that point of view.

So! On the move again!
Phoned 3 estate agents today.

Again, stupid fuckwit agents. I had a headache after ten minutes.
Here we go again.......


The Hubby has Otitis Externa. This seems to be an ear infection which is not actually in the ear...anyway..
The NHS Dr. prescribed Vinegar. Dr Lauren Prescribed Lemon Juice.
Any Saffa Dr. would have prescribed steroids.
So, all week , I am going to have a husband who is like a salad dressing who has earache, instead of a husband who will be cured after 2 days on steroids.
Sometimes, they should think of the patient's family

Monday, November 14, 2011


This is a leaf the size of the leaf that blew into my face on our walk.
Not the actual leaf.....
Seems we have moved from Autumn to Indian Summer to Winter... Brr 9 C today.
But not so cold that I actually had to wear shoes....

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Today was The Gorgeous Son's Birthday Lunch.  Not the Actual Birthday, which is tomorrow, but the day on  which we could all get together.
The weather was amazing enough for us to be able to eat outside .
 (Mid November? Who Knew?)

The best thing of all... you never know which direction life is going to take.  And who knew our lives would connect with Darling Simon? He can make the best roast potatoes ever (he knows I suck at making them...and is not afraid to tell me so...or to tell Dr Lauren to tell me..)
Roast potatoes aside, our family has been enriched by Darling Simon.
And his family.
So The Gorgeous Son has a brother that he loves, we adore our son in law...Dr Lauren.. you did well!
Also, I will never have to roast potatoes ever again.
Good Day today.
Happy Birthday Jeeps

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Big Issue

Confession....I have been avoiding the Big Issue Seller outside Sainsburys. I simply cannot BOND with her the way I did with my seller in Greenwich. I feel really bad, seeing as I did buy him coffee from Starbucks when it was snowing. And now, here I am, sneaking out the side door to avoid Unlikable Woman Seller.
Also, I must admit, that John Bird's writings in the mag are getting way too far left of Tory for my liking.
To assuage my guilt, I have upped my contribution to Cancer Research.
If a homeless person has the misfortune to have cancer as well, I have it covered.
Doesn't actually make me feel that much better.
Ok, Ok....first thing Monday, I will steel myself to buy the new issue.
Bloody Hell.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Winter a coming...

Not too bad...I can still sit out with my morning coffee and my squirrels at about 8am (darkish)
Still no need for shoes or slippers...but a nightie has been replaced by jammies.
Not for inside..dear lord, the combination of 2 hours worth of central heating a night and menopause does not require winter pyjamas.
Still not getting why The Poms moan about the weather...we are into November! And still barefoot weather!

I did buy a waterproof jacket . (after the Scotland and Cornwall experience of finding out my jackets were not waterproof)
So! I have a Fuchsia colored jacket, with hood, insulated, ready for all snow sports, built in gloves (this is my best!  How cool is that? Sleeves with gloves! Never ever seen that before!)
On the technical front:

Crystal Densely Woven Shell Fabric
Woo Hoo! Apparently, is Chic...yet Practical! Will keep me dry...and looking great! Good luck to them. I have never yet looked great , maybe I could sue?
Also, my new jacket has  a Volume Adjustable Hood. A Snow Seal System. A Water Repellent Zip. (??) A Google Pocket. (??) A Communications Pocket.  Adjustable Storm Cuffs. Single Cinch Draw Cords ( no idea) Utility D ring \no idea)
Zipped pockets
Detachable braces
Stretch waist (this may be good)
Preformed Knee shape
Integrated  Snow Gaiters (gaiter?)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Words

OK, so there is no such thing as a 'weed eater',  here, in Pom Land, it is a 'strimmer'
Which sounds vaguely rude actually.
The Landlord came by to mow the lawn and 'strim' the garden. Also, he had a new chainsaw , so he chopped down all the bushes.
Also, whilst on the home front, the washing machine has broken down, there is something to be said for renting....just phone the Landlord , and all is fixed. The washing machine people are coming tomorrow, which is a good thing seeing as I have a half washed load of towels  in a bucket in the bathroom.
Oh Lordy, once again it seems I am unable to raise my conversation above the kitchen floor...