Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eggscellent Idea!

The Where's Wally Egg...this one moves around...I found it in Selfridges
 Remember the Ellies? The great Ellie Hunt?
This year it's the Eggs.
Much harder, they are smaller and well hidden...200 of them, all over London.
Of course, now that I no longer live in London, and live out in the sticks, it is harder to find all the eggs. Nonetheless, on a rainy day trip, I did quite well.

This is an electronic egg...I made some rude remarks about it not being a real egg...sadly, the designer was standing behind me.
Still and all, quite clever, see my facebook pic on the egg? I managed this all by myself.Scanning and connecting and goodness knows how, but there I am!

Rainy....this one was just off Leicester Square

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Was very excited today. When the alarm went off at 7, it was light and bright...and warm! I said " Winter is over!" The Hubby reminded me that I say this every year. But, indeed, it is a lovely day, and we are going to get into double figures. Yes! Amazingly, it will be 11C today! So, after Mr Grumpy went to work , I stood outside ( jeans, t shirt, bare feet) and contemplated doing some gardening today. Perhaps winter is not actually over, but I do think that the very worst of winter is over. I am not going to get the summer wardrobe out yet. I am going to put the poofy womble jacket away. I hope I am not going to have to eat these words!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day Accessory

As it happened,I got a call from the doctor saying there had been a cancellation.... This meant that, Joy oh Joy, I was next in line for the 24 hour blood pressure monitor. So, for the whole of Valentines Day (and night) I wore an alarmingly large appliance consisting of boxes and wires and a arm thingy, that took my blood pressure every hour, accompanied by strange hissing and beeping noises. Amusing, on the bus. Not so amusing every hour throughout the night. Also, not awfully romantic. Also, could not bath or shower (obviously) during this period. The NHS does not hand out blood pressure tablets willy nilly! Nonetheless , we had a lovely Valentine's Day meal (cooked by me) and The Hubby , despite my previous post, came home laden down with flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. Amused The Gorgeous Son no end when he came to visit during the 24 hours and had to go out with a mother with an inflating arm......

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines day

What can I give to The Hubby on Valentine's Day? I think we are over cards and flowers. We are over Romantic Weekends Away. We are over a lot of Valentine stuff, but , even after all these years, we are not over love. There is not much I can do, and indeed, The Hubby probably won't read this blog post , but I would like to tell my almost eleven thousand readers that Love, indeed , does exist. So, tomorrow, when I don't have a Valentine's Day Card , or present for The Hubby, I don't think it matters. We will wake up, say "Happy Valentine's Day", kiss, cuddle, say "I love you" What could ever be better than that?

Friday, February 10, 2012


and , yes, in case anyone wants to comment on the post, I do have that many pairs of sunglasses.
And , yes, it is necessary.
And, actually, I have another 2 pairs that are not in this picture.

Entrance Hall

In Surbiton , we didn't have an entrance hall, straight off the street into the lounge.
Here, we have a wee entrance hall.
Very Useful.
As you can for the bike helmet, shoes, scarves, gloves and sunglasses.
Also, pile of post for previous tenants.
Nice place to stomp the snow off your shoes.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cambridge News

Most exciting day!
I went for my very first 'Reading Group ' at the local Library.
Sadly, unbeknownst  to me, it had actually been cancelled, but also , thankfully, this fact was also unbeknowst to 2 other people.
The book we read was 'The Grapes of Wrath'
Dear lord what a depressing book. I know that I should have read this book already, but do bear in mind it was banned in South Africa during the years that one would normally read this type of book.
I have a wonderful book, given to me by my Lovely Hey She Wow Friend, it is entitled 'One Hundred Great Books In Haiku'

Grapes of Wrath

Okie Exodus
Ma Joad's fambly keeps movin'
Where are the darned grapes?

Indeed, that about sums it up.

Anyway, reading group was good, and I look forward to the next time, with full attendance. Maybe this will be as nice a group as the Greenwich one.

Were interrupted by slightly odd woman (with beard) who seems to be a local  eccentric.
She is terribly awfully well spoken, and as mad as a hatter.

Living out here in the sticks is getting interesting.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No more laundromat!

Fabulous! I now have a brand new washing machine (thank you New Landlord Clive)
 It has a 'shirt' cycle...very cool.
Also, worryingly, a 'baby' cycle Never mind...don't have one of those.
 Seeing as I now am able to wash at home, I have spent the last few days washing and ironing.
The spare room is now the ironing room. Or the 'i ' room. In which I have my i pad and my i ron. Ha ha ha...very funny, but cannot take the credit..this was Amiga Jane's joke.
 Anyway, I have been watching " Call the midwife" as I have been ironing, it is a fabulous programme.
 Watched "The Exit list " tonight, dear lord, my is a quiz show with a twist, amazing, but awfully stressful. Nonetheless, as the day grows to a close, The Hubby and I retire to bed, electric blanket on, hundred million tog duvet over us, and we listen to a podcast on my i touch, one earbud of the headphones very sweet is that?

Friday, February 3, 2012

February snow!

Winter in Caribou Street
 I still get so excited about snow!
This was our street this morning as I went to go and buy the Sunday papers! Too lovely for words, and not too cold
Hope this defrosts for summer

Not even going to consider riding in the snow!

If I get chilblains now, I have only myself to blame, but there is something wonderful about bare feet in snow.

Rules for bikes

Things not to do on your bike.

 Look at your watch
 Wave at the postman
Try to adjust your scarf
Have too much shopping in your basket
 Overconfidence at returning to your home driveway , resulting in crashing into the wheelie bins. 

I have not fallen off yet, but it has been a close run thing.


 Pedestrians with iPods
 Children on bikes
 Older people who suddenly make sweeping gestures with their arms
Dog poo
Ice patches
Buggies (prams for the Saffas)
 Bus stops (suddenly the cycle track disappears )
Cold wind freezing your fingers
The fact that you are actually not that fit and are knackered after a ten minute cycle to the library

 Fashion alerts

 I could have bought a "hair met" which was specially designed for men who gel their hair But no need actually seeing as my hair is kak anyway, thank you Jamie for the kak haircut that cost me fifty quid.

 Sunglasses, as always, am the only person in the UK wearing them, but on a bike, it stops your eyes watering from the cold.

 Big warm puffa jacket that makes you look like a womble on a bike.

 This bike thing is more complicated than I thought.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Moaning Minnie

OK, I am going to stop moaning and bitching about Cambridge now.
I am sure it is a very nice place with very nice people.

Here is my list of things to be happy about.

1) The Hubby comes home every day instead of commuting to Dublin
2) I have 2 more rooms in the house that I didn't have in Surbiton
3) I have a garage and a loft
4) I have a bike

And here is my list of things to moan about

1) The Hubby comes home every day instead of commuting to Dublin.
2) I have 2 more rooms to clean. Also, they are stupid conservatory and
    spare room that is now the Ironing Room
3) I have never been so far away from The Gorgeous Son and I hate it.
4) There are no squirrels and even the birds hate me
5) My blood pressure is a hundred million over a thousand so I am probably going to drop dead any minute..............aaarrgghhh.................clunk.