Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Outings


When the children were teenagers, a Family Outing was a Very Bad Thing.
They hated it.
Especially The Gorgeous Son.
 Dr Lauren was more accommodating.
 Eldest Daughter also hated Family Outings to the nth degree.

Suddenly....The Gorgeous Son INSISTS on Family Outings.

Maybe he sees it as a way to entertain the aged parents.... but no... actually not, he really loves our  outings.
And we have such fun!
And The Hubby and I take it to the limit...if we are in the car, we keep saying "Are we there yet?"
I always need to pee, have coffee, need water...
Revenge is sweet!

Daylight Saving Thing

It has taken me nearly 4 years, but eventually, I have got it.
The New Girlfriend said to me "Spring Forward, Fall Backwards"
So, I get that part of it.
Since the change, I no longer have to put the light on in the morning to make coffee.
So, that is good. I like it.

It is pitch dark at 5 o clock, not so good.
But , for the first time, does make sense.
 It is better to have more day.
 Then go to bed at 7 o clock.
Works for me!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Certifiably Mad

Must be me... there must be a Pom way of saying this that I am not privy to.

In South Africa, if you need a certified copy of a document, you just take it to the police station, and anyone on duty can stamp and certify it for you...for free.

Here! Bloody Hell, what a palaver. First of all, nobody knows what I am talking about.

Google says  Phone your Library.

Library has no idea.

After a day, they called me back to say that the Bank, the Doctor or the Post Office can perform this service.

The Bank, The Doctor, and The Post Office have never heard of this and were most intrigued.

I phoned the Local Lawyers.
Slightly Dof Person answered the phone with a vague   "Hello?"
I asked if this was the number for the attorneys.
There are no attorneys here..they are SOLICITORS. He told me this in no uncertain terms.

So, not a great start.

After much explanation, he eventually grasped what I meant. (I hope)
And he will indeed provide me with a certified copy, for £15.
When I protested at this horrendous price, he told me it was really a bargain, and indeed, he is quite right, on further investigation, this could cost me upwards of £50.
Indeed, this seems to be such an unusual transaction that the dof SOLICITOR person is actually coming to my house to perform this unheard of transaction.

Anyone coming over to live in the UK from SA...go to the police station and have everything you own certified!

So , tomorrow, there is a person I do not know, coming to perform a service not heard of in the UK , at my house.
If you never hear from me again...please investigate my disappearance....

Autumn Leaves

leaves that fall every day...

leaves still left to fall...

And the lawn is an absolute nightmare, when I rake the leaves up, the moss that is the lawn all rakes up and leaves big patches that look like a badger has dug them up...I did tell the landlord that his lawn is crap and will all disappear in the new year, but he seems to be not so concerned. Fine. I will move out and he will have a crap tenant who doesn't care....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Amazing library

 I am kak impressed.
I was impressed before, seeing as I can renew my books online, reserve books online, check in and out at an amazing (to me) computer that checks the books in and out...but wait!
 You will not believe.
Now, I can, for no extra charge whatsoever, download e books to my iPad via the library.
E books, and audio books.
I actually may never ever have to buy a book again
So, I have 3 audio books downloaded...great for ironing And bedtime stories..and 5 books on my iPad
Which I can keep for 21 days.

I can get as many books as I like.
Well, let me tell you, this is just heaven .

I love technology

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Atlas Shrugged

Well, not much shocks me, but I am indeed shocked.

Atlas Shrugged PART TWO?

And indeed, yes there is this movie...following on from Atlas Shrugged Part 1 !
Filmed last year, that I knew nothing about, and indeed , horror of horrors...Atlas Shrugged Part 3 to follow.

How has this happened without my knowledge?

And what do I do?
Do I watch it?

Well I am totally confused.

Imagine that you are a christian, and suddenly there is a movie, the bible, part 2!
What to do...what to do....

Once I had got over the shock, I realised that the book has been split into three parts...ok...

Odd Signs Again..

Absolutely no idea what to do with this?
Parking area in Suffolk or Norfolk or one of those folk areas...

One more thing...

Just one more thing until I go back to blogging again...

Years ago, someone told me that you should view your life thus.
Taking the average lifespan as 70, your life could be viewed as days of the week. Each day , a decade.

This would take me to Friday morning.

Wednesday suddenly seems like the best day of the week.

With life expectancy the way it is now, I will add a bank holiday onto the week.

The weekend does go by so fast.
To all the Wednesday people...slow down..enjoy it...Friday comes very quickly.