Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weather Report

It made the news today..coldest easter Sunday since records began.
Actually, sorry for the rest of the country, especially the poor farmers and the new baby lambs, but it's not so bad here.
Yesterday when we woke up it was snowing. An hour later it was warm and sunny. An hour later it was raining.
I am officially Fed Up with winter now.

The clocks went forward today (still no idea how this works)
This makes it officially British Summertime
Oh Ha Bloody Ha
It may sound as though I am always moaning about the weather...this is not true.
It's just that it has been a Very Long Winter, and much as I love the snow, and much as I don't mind the rain that much, and much as grey skies are OK for a while, how hard could it be to have temperatures above 10C?
Surely that's not too much to ask?
Watch this Blog...I am NEVER going to moan about hot weather ever ever again.

Today is the Boat Race. We are just waiting for it to begin.
Last year , when the Sabotaging Swimmer messed up the Race, I truly think that Cambridge should have been totally fair and declared the Race a draw.
But , no, they didn't. Oxford would have.
But there you go. Cambridge is full of punts.

So, best we beat them today.

Wedding Castle Weather Report

Never again will I complain about the weather here Down South.
Bloody Hell it is freezing  'Oop North'
Not helped by the fact that this was the coldest weekend in 50 years.
Still..not complaining too much, the snow looked lovely...rather snow than rain...

Wedding outfits are bought in advance.

On the Historical Evidence that last year it was 18+ degrees, my wedding outfit consisted of a silk dress with a short sleeved jacket.
Looked lovely.


Snow Snow Snow.
Cold Cold Cold.

Not helped by the fact that The Hubby HURRIED me into getting ready, telling me that the shuttle bus to the church was arriving at 11.30
(at 11.15 he told me this...)
I was almost ready, had put on the panty hose, but not knickers, was rushed to the wedding in minus 5 degrees , literally froze my ass off for the rest of the day.

 Not funny.
The Bride was so brave, had outside in the snow photos taken in her lacy no sleeved dress...they look beautiful, so all worth it.

All in all, wonderful.
 Hallmark moments as I stood in the snow with frozen tears on my cheeks....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Castle Wedding Report

Well, Dear Blogees...I must say, a wedding at a castle has got to be my very best Pom experience ever!
Every single moment of this wedding was magical.
For me, the best  part is that the groom is a wonderful guy, well deserving of the  truly wonderful woman that is Beautiful Bride Vikki. All I care about is her happiness.
They are a fantastic couple. If they had got married in a wouldn't have made any difference to me...
Who am I kidding?
 Yes it would! Castle all the way.
Who the fuck gets married in a barn?

Queen of the Castle

Castle in the Snow

Isn't it absolutely amazing?

My Queenly foot at the door....

Sweet wee bridesmaids in the Drawing Room Window

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Great North Adventure

Very exciting...we are off on a Great Trip tomorrow.

The reason for this Fabulous Outing is a Wonderful Wedding.
You cannot imagine how excited I am about this!
Only in England!

Now, imagine this...the lovely delightful child  (child? I shall have to not think of her as such! The lovely delightful woman ) is the daughter of the lovely delightful lady who gave the stork party for Dr Lauren 30 years ago.

Old friends are the best friends indeed.

So, off we go to The Great North in the cold and ice.
We have to prepare for this journey, in case it snows.
Last week, people were stuck on the M25 for 14 hours.

We are ready!
In the boot, we have packed the following:

A blanket
A flask of hot water
A torch
A high visibility jacket
Snow shovel

I do think we may need  to include a bucket or similar receptacle in case I need to pee. This is problematic. I do not want to pee in the snow in view of a queue of hundreds of cars. I do not want to pee in a bucket in the car in view of The Hubby.
In 30 years  of marriage, The Hubby has never seen me pee, I really don't intend to start now.
It may indeed, though, be necessary.
Him, or the other 100 people on the A1M.

We have extra clothes seeing as we will be away for almost a week. Admittedly , most of the clothes are very posh and smart for the wedding,but if necessary, we can wear them all at once.
If I end up a frozen corpse, I can be buried in my Phase Eight outfits and save everyone a lot of trouble . If in doubt, the Black Dress would probably be best.  If it comes to it, I will wear that one on top of the pink floral and the brown embroidered one.

We are travelling first to Dr Lauren in Leeds  (2 hours) then off the next day up to the CASTLE (another 2 hours)
So, not exactly The Great Trek.
But we are Poms.
AKA Wimps in terms of travel.

We will see Cuz Jane, sure she will laugh at our preparations, but we are Following Procedure.
You Never Know.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sam Ping

Sam Ping is our new Chinese supermarket that has opened up in Cherry Hinton High Street. It is quite delightful. I love making Chinese meals. Mr Sam Ping himself is lovely. If you spend £70 , they will fetch you from home and take you back. I am quite tempted!
Tonight we are having Chinese dumplings with a variety of sauces. Didn't quite make the £70, but for less than £10 we are having a Chinese feast tonight.

Literary Loo

Loo in Stratford Upon Avon.....

Loo who?

Both in the same complex, right next to each other?? Why??

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Very exciting...I have never yet been to Stratford Upon Avon.
I have to admit, and I am embarrassed to admit to this.
I went to a private school. (This is not the embarrassing part)
We read Shakespeare every year.
We learnt everything there was to learn about Shakespeare.
We drew pictures of the Globe.

On my first trip  down the Thames , I was very very surprised to see The Globe.
Nobody told me it was not actually in Stratford Upon Avon.
Or, perhaps, I did not pay attention.
Cannot believe that I would have missed that fact in more than 6 years of Shakespeare.

Maybe I was actually that stupid.

Moving on...

It was amazing how Shakespeare came to life in this visit. I loved it.
Also, was quite impressed at the depth of my knowledge.
Apart from the Globe thing.

Ok...lost all credibility there I guess, but really...otherwise...

Bleeding Hell

It's cold.

Even I will admit that it's cold. Apparently yesterday was the coldest day in March for 27 years. I have not been here for 27 years, but , truly, it was the coldest day in 4 years.

Strangely, last week Tuesday was the hottest day in March ....these Poms are a bit mad about the weather.
But, yes , indeed it was cold yesterday. Today was not great either.
We have had the heating on almost all day.

So, odd thing...radiators.

We have heard about Bleeding Radiators.

Honestly, that doesn't sound like a normal phrase, now does it?

We have radiators. We know they have to be bled. We don't know how to do it, why we should do it, and so far, we have ignored the whole issue.
Dr Lauren mentioned in passing, on her weekend visit, that it sounded as though our radiators needed to be bled.
We knew this was not a medical opinion.
We smiled and nodded and pretended we would look into it.
And indeed, I did. We have a radiator bleeding key. Well, we did. It has disappeared.  I don't really know what it looks like to be able to locate it.  I thought it was in the cutlery drawer, it isn't.

The key I thought was the Radiator Bleeding Key is actually the Gas Inspection Key.

Well , really, for fuck' s sake!