Thursday, August 29, 2013


Indeed , this is a mystery to me.
This week , I have ironed three times,but somehow, I still have THIS

So , how is it possible that 2 people have so much ironing ?
When I say 2 people, there is only one person actually doing the ironing.

Still and all, I am saying nothing to The Hubby.
The last time I commented that it was a wonderful thing that he just dropped his clothes on the floor and they appeared like magic, once more replenished...he said: " Much like you and the Bank Account"


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Candy Crush

I make no excuses for my gaming addiction. I have been playing computer games since 1986 when there were actually no graphics involved, or a mouse...or sound...I love my games.

The Gorgeous Son played games from being 3 years old, due to Bad Influence from his mother.

But Candy Crush! 

In the light of other games I have played , it is quite simple. I played Venture with no graphics, The Famous Brother and me mapping our progress on graph paper. 
Leisure Suit Larry, Kings Quest, Police  Quest, Lemmings...I played them all.

Just to let you know what a serious Candy Crush Addict I am, I am on level 382.

Darling Simon  plays really serious games. There is going to be a problem because Baby 1.0 arrives at the same time as the PS 4.

Even Plants vs Zombies 2 is paling into insignificance next to my Candy Crush Addiction.
Hay Day has been abandoned.

Only a new Chicken Invaders may lure me away ......

Great British Bake Off

What a wonderful programme this is, thank you Dr Lauren for making me watch it!

I know I haven't blogged for ages, but nothing new or exciting has happened, and I am getting so used to being a Pom that I thought there were few surprises left.

Well, I was wrong.
The Great British Bake off has surprised and educated me in Pom Baking.

Firstly, all my life , I have thought this was a muffin.

Apparently not

This is a muffin

Well, who knew? Thinking about it now, my kind of muffin would have been quite an exotic item for The Muffin Man to sell on the streets of Olde London.

And in the same vein, I always thought this was  a flapjack

No...This is a flapjack
This, which I have hitherto known as a crunchie

Today I bought muffins in Tesco. They seem to be a cross between a bread roll and a scone.
Rolled in semolina I believe.
Will give it a try .