I have realised that In SA, with Discovery , they prefer you to be unhealthy because they make more money that way. Not so on the NHS.
Apart from the smoking and the 5 a day , drinking is a big deal to them
Live here...and boy oh boy, drinking is a whole new issue.
2 glasses of wine and a cognac per night is not acceptable. It is equal to 9 units. 2 units a day is the limit.
(units are a BAD thing)
A Pom glass of wine (one unit) is about the equivalent of a SA glass of sherry. In the pubs you can have a small glass or a large glass. Even the large glass is laughable.
Order a cognac and you would be hard pushed to see it in the bottom of the glass.
So, basically, a Saffa drinks an entire week's unit allowance in one evening. That would be if you are at home in front of the TV.
I drank my whole years's unit allowance at Welkom Friend Charlotte's braai .
(the less said about that , the better)
The recycling doesn't help. You are forced to drink less so that you are not embarrassed when you put the rubbish out.
Dr Lauren says all Saffas are alcoholics, especially the ones our age.
Those of you with small children, encourage them to be bottle store owners, not medical students.
Oh...and there is no such thing as a bottle store here. It is an 'off licence'
In the SA shops, a bottle of Klippies costs £20.
A bottle of OBS costs £10
There is no such thing as Cane here, so in the SA shops it is £30
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .