So how Cool is this? This is the hanging up thingy to put the ironed stuff on. Previously I have tried to hang it on the stairs, doesn't work. This is good.
This is VERY good. Put it at the bottom of the stairs, fill it
up for a productive trip, reverse process at top of stairs.
I LIKE it! Looks nice too? Isn't this a lovely idea?
I do still have to separate paper from cardboard once I take it outside to the outside bins.
The second bin is plastics, but the post it note says ' and landfill'
so that all not otherwise identified other rubbish can be added to this bin.
The bottom one is Glass, but also tins. The Hubby does not rinse out the tins or even interact with tins and I HAVE NOW GOT FIFTEEN BINS INCLUDING THE INSIDE STUDY BINS JESUS FUCK HOW DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME????
and also the bins cost £10 each