Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring my Arse

Yes indeed, you get lulled into it with  Snowdrops, with Crocuses, with Daffodils, and you think...yay...spring! 

Not so much.

One lovely warm weekend getting to highs of 18C.

Pack away the warm Floofy winter jackets...must admit, against The Hubby's advice.

But , in my defence, The Hubby did change (briefly...hee hee, pardon the pun) from winter to summer undies...

Walk to Tesco today...

Waiting to walk...rain rain rain
Rain suddenly disappears .

Walk to Tesco
Too hot in t shirt and cardi and hoodie and blazer

Arrive at Tesco.
Take off blue hoodie, leaving only blazer and t shirt  and cardi


Walk home, having decided not to take bus (£2.70)

Cold cold arctic breeze

Stop and put blue hoodie jersey thing back on

5 minutes later, stop and take blue hoodie thing off


Monday, March 3, 2014

Magic Lappie

Baby B received  many presents of this...

Neither Dr Lauren nor I knew what they were.
After about the fifth gift, we thought we had better find out.
Well...who knew? 
They are apparently a Must Have

They are called Taggies.
Developed by a clever mommy who noticed that babies love the tags on toys/blankies

With much scepticism, we decided to try this out on a Baby B 

Amazing! And she is way younger than the recommended age.

Every day is a school day! 
Who knew?