Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weather report

Never will I understand this Pom weather.
Today it is bright sunshine, currently 8, but rising to 12, yesterday it got as high as 15.
I keep reminding myself that February is the worst month of the year weather wise, but my eternal optimism makes me almost want to put the coats back up in the loft.
Not that I am going to.
The Hubby is still laughing about the winter clothes being packed away in April last year.
There are three coats still in the loft, serious winter weight coats that we have not needed.

Before this blog ends up as a fecking weather report, here is something more interesting.

Yesterday we watched a movie called Tortoise in Love.
Made in a village called Kingston Bagpuize (yes, really) 
by Guy Browning.
He happens to live in this charmingly named village.
They made the movie using over 600 residents , 
raised most of the money themselves, shot it in 6 
All the catering, hair, make up etc etc was done 
by the locals, 
out of towners stayed in homes in the village.
Absolutely charming.
Of course , the acting Interesting.
But quite delightful.

The movie premiered in Leicester square, and they took 
the whole village there in coaches.
How very lovely.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Imperial v Metric

It's tricky. I have difficulty myself with metric v imperial.

Not , obviously, as much difficulty as MOTHER.

For the last three years I have begged, asked, told MOTHER to drink more water.
Suddenly, upon her arrival in SA, she has decided that this , after all is a fabulous idea.
She told me that she has drunk 5 litres of water every day since she arrived in SA.

Surely she would have drowned by now?

Also, she says my sister in law has lost 14 stone.
That is pretty impressive.

During MOTHER'S stay, prior to her leaving for SA  to stay with The Famous Brother, she was less than impressed that I made her smoke outside in the snow , with the door firmly closed.
To keep the heat in.
We have a strict No Smoking Policy at home.

If she has told me once, she has told me a million times, how lovely it is to smoke in the heat in SA.
Whenever she likes, wherever she likes.

Well, she returns here in March, week with me, still cold, still smoking outside.....
Hee Hee. If I can't smoke, nobody can smoke....

Charity Helps The Home

Every week we get these envelopes through the letter box.
They include a collection bag, and a date of collection.
Bloody marvellous I tell you.
Not only are you contributing to a worthy cause, but you get to clear the unwanted items from your home with no effort.

In view of this ever so clever collection service, I now have a new shopping policy.

"One in, One out"

If I buy a new T shirt, an old one gets chucked, same for sheets , towels, mugs, works really well.

(not shoes)(or handbags) (or perfume... obviously!!)

The Joys of Decluttering!

And, no, I don't consult The Hubby on what stays and what goes.
Have got rid of many ugly shirts of a Cowboy Nature to which he was unnaturally attached. want to splash out and buy 4 new know the rules.

Friday, January 25, 2013

New Sayings...

Quite a while ago I posted that here, in England, nobody says "hectic"
As Dr Lauren told me, here we say "Proper Off The Hook"
I never really bonded with this phrase.
Until The Hubby and I watched Dexter.
We have 98 episodes.
Box set . £49.99

All I can say, is " Proper Off The Hook"

There is nothing else that describes it so well.
I get this new saying.

Wow. Dr Lauren really does know everything.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mr Primark

Ok, I know it's called Primark, but I still have a hangover from Mr Price in SA , so keep saying Mr Primark.

Sometimes, you just have to go there.
To the shop, I mean.

Still, am not going to forgive The Hubby, who in the queue , said, quite loudly, WHATEVA, in answer to my question.
On purpose. Just like a Chav.
Sometimes  I really hate him.

I made him carry the Primark bag.
Revenge is sweet.


Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to my Poor Neglected Blog.

Indeed, I have so adapted to Pom society that I have very little to report.

Nothing much is new to me anymore. I have very few problem areas, the pants/ trousers thing is still an issue...but otherwise, all good!

One Important Thing...

This year, for the first time ever, we had Xmas at Dr Lauren and Darling Simon's Own Home.
Can you ever begin to imagine what that is like for parents? To have their own child host Xmas? In their very own grown up home?

Totes Emoshe , as they say here!

They did the most fabulous job ever. the Hubby and I were so proud!
We did have a wee hug and weep together.
Don't judge us until this happens to you!!

Another first, on a different iced the car.
Not so much fun actually. Cold cold hands.
But very effective de icing spray.
In SA, when the cars iced  up, we poured boiling water onto the windscreen???
Wtf were we thinking?

Weather here has been fabulous! We are halfway through January and so far it really truly has not been cold.
Ok, I will admit that I no longer think of zero degrees as being cold, but in the context of winter, you have to admit, it's not that bad.

Ok..fair enough...I have gone over to the dark side....