Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cyprus sign

Hee hee

today's sign

How funny is this? Next to Earslfield station!!

Back to Reality

Still and all, it was good to get back to London, albeit at 2am. Wasn't that cold either. And still is not so bad.
It was sad washing and ironing all our holiday clothes and then vacuum packing them away for another 6 months. (no room for both winter and summer wardrobes...remember?? this is London)
Then today it was the time warp thing. I don't care who or how many people explain this to me I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT.
So now the clocks go back an hour. So when I wake up it is still dark, but it gets dark an hour how is this a good thing? And it would do that anyway all by itself? And who would know?
This has got to be the most stupid thing ever.
Anyone who has a reasonable , logical explanation, please post it.


Well of course it didn't rain! Until our very last day when there was a spit and a spot that dried as soon as it hit the hot hot ground.

FABULOUS holiday...sea and sun and lazy lazy days...swimming in a blue blue ocean, the only ocean I have ever swum in where there are no sharks. It is a liberating feeling, all safe and sound.
Of course our hosts were wonderful, but they are Darling Simon's folks, so what could they be but Darling?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Out of Office

Yay! Off to Cyprus for 10 days.
I am , however, taking the laptop with me. If it rains I will switch it on.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Oh how we do love to go to the book signings!
Check out The Gorgeous Son andMichael Mc Intyre.
Ken Follet was due around at 7.30, but I had to get back for The Hubby's return from Dublin.
His plane was delayed by an hour as it happened. Also I forgot to book his taxi. Ooops.

Ah well...another day, another celeb.


I love public transport.
45 minutes from my front door to Selfridges. Amazing.

All those people, thousands of them, forming orderly queues, no pushing, no shoving, no talking...oyster cards at the ready for the turnstiles, no delays, nobody fumbling or holding up the queue.
Peak hour at Piccadilly on the Bakerloo line tonight, 2 policemen with sniffer dogs at the bottom of the escalators...saying 'move on , move on, Police dogs, keep moving...' and the dog, no barking , no jumping, just the enthusiatic greeting he gives to the drug carrying traveller who is then discreetly pulled off to the side with no trouble to the thousands of commuters streaming past.
The Gorgeous son and I looking at eat other and saying "BUSTED" at the same time.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I am so not a prude.
I go to Ann Summers just almost as often as I go to Waitrose.
I know what a rabbit is, in fact , I do have one.
But bloody hell , do the poms not care what they put on TV.
Apart from the fact that the C word is just so not a problem here...the TV programmes!
Lordy lordy! Was a whole programme tonight on having sex with various vegetables and the new app , called the i orgasm.
And I am not even going into the apps for men.
Think the Hubby would have a heart attack