Monday, January 28, 2013

Charity Helps The Home

Every week we get these envelopes through the letter box.
They include a collection bag, and a date of collection.
Bloody marvellous I tell you.
Not only are you contributing to a worthy cause, but you get to clear the unwanted items from your home with no effort.

In view of this ever so clever collection service, I now have a new shopping policy.

"One in, One out"

If I buy a new T shirt, an old one gets chucked, same for sheets , towels, mugs, works really well.

(not shoes)(or handbags) (or perfume... obviously!!)

The Joys of Decluttering!

And, no, I don't consult The Hubby on what stays and what goes.
Have got rid of many ugly shirts of a Cowboy Nature to which he was unnaturally attached. want to splash out and buy 4 new know the rules.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I shall have to mail this to Mr Piers. He always asks me ever so nicely not to dispose of anything that belongs tohim while he is away. I like this idea. One in, one out. I can make a lot more room in the cupboards this way.

