Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Crisps and Chips

England continues to surprise me. I already knew that chips were crisps, but Salt and Vinegar are in GREEN packets and Cheese and Onion are in BLUE! How odd is that? Especially seeing as I hate Salt and Vinegar chips. Yuk. Lesson learned.
I announced I was going to iron my pants. Everyone fell about laughing. I have learnt to say trousers.
Strange language.
It is lovely in Knowle with Brian and Lesley. We went to Warwick Castle and saw some jousting and other medieval past times, the weather was fabulous...hot in fact. This is great I thought...summer is here.
Not so much. Just the one day. But what a lovely day it was.
I am impatiently awaiting our move into our first home here. I have a lot of e mails to write and people to phone, especially to make proper contact with all my family and friends here. I am yearning for a base from which to do this so that I can make future plans.
I am also yearning to stop living out of a bloody suitcase.
And I need a place with a bookcase to house the 15 books I have bought since I got here. (god they are cheap!!)


  1. Where is our update???

  2. Hi Suzi, I don't know how tyou got the blog going, I wouldn't have a clue. lucky you had a link so I didn't have to try and find it. It all sounds so interesting. I would love to have a complete change and new challenges. Have you found a home yet or are you going to stay where you are for a while? IThe clothes sound awesome, I was under the impression they were expensive there. I was there during sale time and bought a fortune of clothes then, some of which I still wear regularly. It is great to hear you so positive. Have to go and fetch kids now, we'll chat again
