Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Very hard to explain what a chav is.
First time I came across it was when I wore my (very actually expensive, I will have you know) Burberry scarf, and Dr Lauren said "No, no , mummy, you can't wear that, it is a chav thing"
At that time, not really knowing what a chav was, I did wear it again. Now I know. I took it to Oxfam, where, no doubt, some happy chav bought it for £1.
So, if you watch Little Britain (Vicky Pollard) and Catherine Tate, you will start to get the idea.
Chavs shop at Asda. They say the C word in public. They are incredible, and quite unbelievable. And ENDLESSLY fascinating on the bus. Their diction is shocking.
There is a chav who seems to live near us as I have seen her about 4 times now. She is very pretty, looks like a WAG, about 24, and has 5 children , the oldest being about 9 and the youngest looks about 18 months. She YELLS at them and swears at them so loudly that it is quite disturbing.
She was coming out of the doctors today as I was going in. The eldest child was weeping. The other 4 (2 in a twin pram, 2 holding onto the twin pram handles.)
So this was how the conversation went, at about 100 decibels

Well yeah, we are goin' home right, so fucking shut it, and you can't take your shoes off now, BECAUSE I SAID SO, you right little madam you are, don't start with me...SHUDDUP. What are you like?

Scared the shit out of me. Luckily I had my shoes on for a change.

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