Monday, March 26, 2012

MOTHER and visits

Lordy Lordy. I have been to every charity shop and pound land and nursery (the garden, not the school) known to man and Sat Nav Bitch.
 I have endured tirades about everything from the UK to Africa.
 Suddenly, MOTHER refers to her time in the Cape as being in "Africa"
I think she thinks she is Karen Bliksem.
We have discussed everything under the sun since she landed here. I have been a saint, whilst we have covered all the failings of various family members, including my father, about whom I will never hear a wrong word (especially seeing as he is no longer with us and has no faults at all in my opinion)
 Dr Lauren remarked that I am much happier this week. Yes indeed. I am.
I have seen how much worse it can be.
 So..not to bitch too much about MOTHER.
BUT Time for her to go home.
I book her a flight .
 Easier for her than a bus or a train.
 So far so good.
Find out after said booking...MOTHER has no photo ID.
 No worries.
To post passport/bus pass .
SISTER OF MOTHER does not agree to this task .
Lovely Cousin Katy is now charged with task.
 Lovely Cousin Katy is a saint (like me) (actually more a saint than me) and has sorted everything out .
 My nerves are shot. Sadly, I am looking forward to later this week when I can do housework and have quiet time.
 Also, am reflecting on the fact that my children probably find me very irritating and annoying as well,and wish I would go to Switzerland already, and in fact if they suggest this, I will probably agree.
 I love my children very much and I hope that they don't hate me. I will be better....promise promise promise....
Now that I know just how irritating MOTHERS can be.

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