Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cambridge Afternoon

What a lovely afternoon I had in Cambridge .

Quite delightful.
All by myself.

There was a group of three boys, dressed in black, with the mop top hairdo, playing Beatles Songs, going down very well with the  tourists, And,  indeed , with me.

A block away was a duo of Spanish Guitar and panpipes,  which sounds worse than it was, it was actually lovely, for a millisecond I was tempted to buy the CD. (Isn't it odd that all buskers have CDs now?)
But , no , Panpipes get very irritating after about five minutes.
Like was his name?

Around the corner, an Irishman playing the fiddle on a tightrope suspended about 3 foot above the ground.
No idea.
But was very interesting.

Of course, the place was HEAVING with tourists.
Even though it was kak weather, drizzly and a bit chilly, in theory, it is British Summertime, so the tourists are here in force.

I don't mind them.
It is a tad annoying when you have to pause every few seconds so that you don't photobomb their pics, but fair enough, everyone should see Cambridge.
Not necessarily on the same day that I decide to spend a day at the market...shame, or indeed Bless, as the Poms  would say, not a wonderful day to take a trip on a punt if you have travelled a million k's to do this very thing.

More irritating, and more related to ME , they have changed the bus stops and the numbers of the  buses, OMG I am sounding  like a Daily  Mail Reader , so I will stop right  now.

I am eternally grateful for the fact that the Poms have a bus service at all
Parking is a disaster on a Saturday, so it is great to be able to take a bus into town.

I must add that I undertook this trip to town on a Saturday because The Hubby is watching the golf.
Best I just keep out of the way.
I don't mind at all.
Wimbledon is coming soon.
That is what marriage is all about.

You watch your stuff.  I watch my stuff.
That is why we have been married for 30 years.

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