Monday, June 1, 2009


There has been a delay in my blogging. This was caused by our Dongle. The Dongle allows us access to the internet, but has not allowed me to get to my Blog because of ADULT CONTENT.
(Note to self: Don't say Fuck)
After a long bus ride to the T Mobile shop in Woolich, this has now been fixed. Don't ask me to explain what a Dongle actually is, I don't know.
I am doing so well. I have a British Drivers Licence, a credit card, a cash card, an overdraft, a cheque book, a cell phone (will put the number on facebook) and a KEY RING.
Yes, this is the thing I have missed the most. Having keys on a keyring. I have carried my car and house keys around for the last 20 odd years and it has been most odd not to have a key ring in my hand. But now, I have House Keys. Is very exciting.

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