Wednesday, June 3, 2009


And we thought SA was racist? To sign on with a doctor I have to fill in forms, and tick my 'Ethnic Origin'
These are some of my choices
White British
White Irish
White and Black caribbean
White and Black African (is this me??)
Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi
Black British
Black African
British Pakistani

The list is endless...WTF??
I also have a choice of 35 languages, besides 'other'. Is fabulous. Afrikaans is not one of the choices so i am filling it in under 'other'

Then there are the forms to fill in for drinking and smoking. I am doomed.

1 comment:

  1. ok, White and Black African is one, then Black African is another. So it's not White OR Black, Perhaps White and Black means a type of it's own, like mixed race, which would be impossible to tell unless you've done your geneology back to the ark... and OH MY LORD WHAT DOES IT MATTER
