Monday, August 30, 2010

Stupid Doctor

You simply will not believe this doctor I went to see. First of all, she made me go to the surgery even though I could not walk, I had to take a taxi and it took me a good 3 minutes to get down the pathway and into the taxi, and was then ripped for £5 for a less than 2 minute trip.
After a cursory examination, she then asked me if I had any accompanying pain in my legs.
No I didn't.
Then she says do I have any accompanying pain in my 'toilet area'
Fucking hell. I think I am quite old enough to understand medical terms relation to the parts of my body that fit into the oval of a toilet seat.
I have now found a doctor that is older than me (hard to do at my age) . I will go and see him this week. If he says 'toilet area' , waterworks (another favourite here) or 'back passage' I will never go to the doctor again until Dr Lauren is qualified.

1 comment:

  1. Ah the poms and their delicate sensibilities.
