Monday, January 4, 2010

Shopping Trip

Needed to shop. Decided to shop am rather than pm when it is dark. Went outside onto the patio, and waved arms up and down (don't know why I do this, is some kind of weather tester)
Was fine.
No coat needed. Put fleece on over T shirt. Boots. Scarf and gloves. Sunglasses.
Left flat. Not cold. Took off gloves. Unwound scarf. Smiled at Sissy Baby Poms. Went around corner. Shade. Fucking hell. Put gloves back on. Wound scarf round face. Walked faster. Cold cold cold, turned corner ..aaah...sun. Nice warm sun. Took off gloves. Unwound scarf.
Devised trip home in only sunny bits. Only one shady bit, ran like hell (fulfilling New Years Resolution to start running.) Stomped frozen puddles. Smash Smash Smash. Ignored people on passing bus looking at me. Round corner, back into sun. Sun position changed since I left flat. Through the Millennium buildings. Sun Shade Sun Shade Sun Shade. Too many people around to run, walk, run , walk. There is a limit to how stupid I am prepared to look.

Heating in flat had inexplicably come on in absence, was very glad.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could favourite this post. literally LOL-ing. No, that would be laugh out louding. Literally LAUGHing out loud. But not ROFL or LMAO or LMFAO but as I intimated in today's earlier tweet to you, my A is not into that anyway. TMI?
