Monday, November 8, 2010

And Food

The new bins have nothing to do with the food bins.

A good thing about the bins is that they are all very clean and nice because the food bins are a totally separate thing.
Usually fine.
Except when the bread went off, as it does , very very quickly in the UK, a whole loaf can be reduced to a poof of , well whatever that green mould stuff is called, and when I put it in the food bin (the inside food bin) all POOFFED up in my face... this cannot be good.
Spores. That's the word I'm looking for.
My lungs are now filled with spores.
Can't be worse than nicotine.
There is nothing on this EARTH worse than not smoking.
So, DR Lauren, what could be worse, me being the recycling queen and having poisonous spores in my lungs, or having the odd fag which is probably way way better for me?

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