Monday, November 1, 2010

night time

Ok, I remember this from last year. It is dark. I am ready for bed. It is 6pm.
Dark does not always = night.........
I have already had what???

1 comment:

  1. I spend about 3 months doing the same thing when the clocks move back (or is it forward?). And the same in summer - it's nearly 8pm and the little ones are still outside playing waiting for their dinner, when I should have had them in bed an hour ago. I'm a Queenslander, we don't do DS! Down here all the Tasmanians puff out their chests and say "we don't stupidly rely on the sun to tell us what time it is!! We know how to read CLOCKS!!" Piss off. I think it's waay more clever to read the time by the sun.
