Thursday, August 4, 2011

£'s and R's

When I first arrived here, I translated everything from £'s to R's and was often horrified, and sometimes impressed.
To survive, I had to stop doing it or I would never have bought anything or gone anywhere.
All of a sudden, for no real reason, I am converting back to Rands again.

This  it is because I suddenly realised  I am thinking of £1 as R1. So £5 , £10 , no longer seems like a lot of money at all.
I think this is a Bad Thing. But, to be fair, I no longer know what the prices in SA are like.

For example, the latest BOGOF was 2 fridge packs of coke cans for £6. This struck me as a real bargain.Then I thought R60? for 20 cans of coke?
 I bought 2x shower gel, shampoo, 3 pack of chewing gum, bath oil , for £5. I don't know whether this is cheap, either in £'s or R's!

What I do know, is £87 for my hair to be coloured in the salon is KAK expensive in any currency. I nearly had heart failure.
AND she blow dried it all poofy so I looked like someone transported from the '80's.

1 comment:

  1. but of course, being a Pom now, when she showed it to you in the mirror, you said "yes it's lovely, thank you" and then immediately went home to wash it again - Jane xx
