Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cape Town Weather

That is truly what we are having here...can you believe it? Not too cold, but KAK windy, I walked to the Odeon Cinema to buy tickets for 2012 for me and The Hubby and Darling Simon. My umbrella nearly blew inside out. (Still cannot get over the price of movies... £26!! ) travelled on like Scott of the Antarctic in the wind up to Sainsburys. I did , however , take the bus back, and as soon as I got home, of course it stopped raining.

Amongst the other boring usual stuff I had to buy, I bought 2 very cool things.

1)Ultimate outdoor reared pork chipolatas
2) Orange blossom and pomegranate ironing water.

Ironing water!! Can you believe it?? There also is Lychee and Jasmine ironing water.
I am soooo going to sprinkle my clothes!

And speaking of clothes.... Obviously it is time for me to get a job or a hobby or start writing again...or make a friend

This is what I can do
I can dress in a different colour every day.
I can do Green
(today is red, I have a red camisole, red jersey, red stockings, red knickers , red scarf, and I do have a red coat but is not cold enough to wear it.)
I can also do Black

In Green and Blue, I can do shoes and underwear, so can be totally green and blue
I do need to wear black pants or a skirt to complete the other colour days. (doesn't count)

In blue, I also have blue contact lenses.

Red, like today, I have a red handbag (Radley, thank you Darling Simon) Otherwise have a brown leather handbag (from BA) BUT do have a GREEN shopping bag from Dublin, Orange bags from Sainsburys, Green from John Lewis Food Hall and Harrods...

Black umbrella, but also a tartan one.

Think I should just stop talking now.

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