Friday, January 6, 2012

Cambridge Buses

OMG so not like London!
There seems to be no oyster card system, so everybody pays to get on the bus.
In London, no bus driver will ever speak to you, he/she will certainly never give you change, or will tell you where your stop has a big team chat with the driver, searches for their money, drops their wallet, can't find their bus pass...drives me nuts!
Thank goodness we are going to buy a car.
A car in London is a problem. Out in the country, it seems to be a necessity.

 So far it is not going well . The Hubby wants to buy a big macho shithead SUV type thing..all I want is a golf type thing.
For now, walking and buses are the way I am going.
Also, people talk to you on the bus..scares me to death! I am used to Hardened Londoners that would only speak if the bus was on fire.
Nonetheless, I can now find my way around using the bus, also, the 500 mile walk thing is back in place. Took a walk to the local shop today, looked for a shortcut home that took me about 20 mins.
Still and all...walking is good for you.
Luckily the weather has improved.
I was fed up with house stuff today, so I did some garden tidy up  stuff.
Pricked my fingers and hands on the roses, and knelt and stood in dog poo that was hidden by the long grass.
Have  found a garden service on Gumtree.
The washing machine has a broken door , so the dog poo jeans are stinking up the laundry basket.
Wash them by hand I hear you say? No, perhaps not.
I have more important things to do.

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