Thursday, January 26, 2012


As Lovely Wife Jo from Surbiton has just reminded me, in case I get too happily settled in Cambridge...there are no squirrels here. And, indeed , there are none. And no foxes. And the birds are worse than stupid. I have put out birdseed which they have just ignored. Bloody ingratitude. So far there has been a total of 3 birds, one of which flew into the upstairs study window, the other two seem to fight all day and make an annoying noise and crap on the patio. Country? How is this the bloody country? There was more wildlife in London. Across the road from me, an unknown neighbour has a duck. It is the most exotic wildlife I have seen since I got here. On my way to the shops I say hello to it. Is the most exciting conversation I have all day. Quack quack

1 comment:

  1. haha... I got stopped by a cow on several occasions walking to and from Granchester, we also saw deer, foxes and in summer there were squirrels. I think there is hope...
