Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gastro Tour

Fabulous Gastro Tour in Marylebone.
good company,  5 couples, all really nice. Of course we did have a start seeing as one of the couples was Amiga Jane and Hubby .
And the other couple was us. So, 3 other couples, who were really nice.
The guide on our tour, lets call her Cookie Wittering-Twit....totally D list celeb (none of us had ever heard of her)

So, Cookie Wittering-Twit had no idea how to run a Gastro Tour.

 The fact that we still had an amazing time was all down to the good company. We could have done the tour all by ourselves and still done just as well.
Without paying £50 pp to Cookie Wittering -Twit.
 Apparently she has a TV show and writes cookbooks and all?
At the Japanese knife demo, she had never heard of a razor strop. Also, she seemed to be a big fan of 'when in doubt, make it up' Unfortunately for her, she had a very sophisticated and knowledgeable audience. (not just me!)
She was somewhat hampered by the fact that one of our party was a senior exec at Cadburys (chocolate part of the tour) and that 4 of our party were fluent in Spanish (tapas part of the tour)
Almost felt sorry for her at the end!
We left Cambridge at 1,  did the tour, had supper, back at home before 10pm. So, travelling to London is a doddle. I may do it every day. I miss London. I am not loving living out here in the sticks.

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