Monday, August 3, 2009

smoking confession#1

#1 Because i am assuming there will be more.
Ok, to my holy- poly friends, I have now realised why confession works.
And why people do it.
Catholic and Anglican ones, obviously. You know who you are. I don't think the new age religious people do confession.

When I was in Paris, Paul had an interview where a guy called him from Canada so he had to be in a quiet place (the hotel)
So off he went and I walked about 10 million miles and ended up in a bistro ( because I needed to pee)

Note : Don't go to Gallery Lafeyette- no normal person can afford anything in the whole shop. You cannot even afford to pee there. The only reason i went was because they have a 3000 sq m shoe department. I did this for Moira. There are things I do for you, Moira, that you have no idea or appreciation of. the bistro, on the table where I sat, was an abandoned, whole, brand new cigarette! (Dunhill , red) Disappointingly, not a gauloise (or however the fuck you spell it)
Of course, I smoked it. I saw it as a sign that I should enjoy Paris to the full.
It was FANTASTIC. I loved it.

Kerry the Smoking Councellor said it was not a sign. It was a TEST.
Obviously I failed miserably. She was not impressed that I failed THE TEST.
She did not see it as a sign. Not even a bit.

Anyway, back to the confession thing... I felt so much better after I told Kerry the Councellor about the stray cigarette.
She said it was OK. I was resolved and forgiven.
Thanks be to Kerry
I am so not telling Dr Lauren, she will probably kill me

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