Monday, March 21, 2011

Pom Sun

Today is the first day since last October that I have hung washing outside.
The weather forecast today is a high of 15. Very exciting. It is about 9 just now and I am sitting outside in the Pom Sun, feeling no warmth whatsoever. Neither is the fecking washing. It is just hanging there, steadfastly staying wet. No mind, I am prepared to wait until it reaches 15.
I don't think I have complained quite so much this year about the cold. I am unsure what this means. I don't think it means I am turning into a Pom because they bitch and moan about the weather all the time.
I think it means I am pathetically grateful for small mercies.
Also, having spent 8 weeks indoors, even 9 degrees seems quite pleasant.

In South Africa there was an ad every year singing 'Come on Summer, come on, come on....'
It had to do with cricket. I neither like nor understand cricket, but I am singing the song.

1 comment:

  1. That song was huge here in the 80's, but it went "come on Aussie, come on, come on...".
    It was about cricket too, so I hated it.
